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Friday, December 4, 2015

Archival and Curatorial Practices of Selected Peripheral Research/ Studies Center in the Philippines based on “An/other” Philippine Studies

Through an archival means, an investigation would be undertaken  regarding organizational management of peripheral research. Studies centers in the archipelago. Likewise, curatorial means would also be deployed to produce “An/other” Philippine Studies. The so-called “An/other” Philippine studies is an interface for existing and future projects through different platforms like collapsible and transient of emergent peripheral research/ studies center. After problematizing the experimental and institutional resource utilization, through a thorough comparison or “tambalang lapit.” Finally, generated content would be alternatives and autonomous framework for DANUM and other recognized organization for coping with the realities of ASEAN integration, k12 full implementation, APEC summit and Climate Change Conference 21. 

The selected examples of peripheral research/ studies centers are Greenhouse Infoshop Project in Naga, Maharlika Integral Emergence and Organic Minds both in Davao which corresponds to the lack of knowledge production in the regions or outside the center. 

If DANUM and SIKAP are both student organizations  of Philippine Studies who conducts regular activities, projects and programs, what would be there share for the peripheral research/ studies? Is Philippine Studies a viable career option for research about Filipino culture, society and consciousness?

Peer to Peer (p2p) offline engagement refers to the informal exchange of emergent and seasoned Philippine Studies practitioners particularly in the fields of Filipino Psychology, Pantayong Pananaw and Philippine Studies which could be done once every a semester or term or two to three times a year.

Info tour internship (IT internship) is a preparation for the research proposal might it be a masters or doctoral dissertation. One can choose a number of peripheral research/ studies center to grasp the practice of managing autonomous peripheral research/ studies center.

One example of p2p engagement was the Translocal Conference on Philippine Studies and the common space x swarm bibliotheque which was part of the Project Bakawan Arts Festival. An example of the IT internship was the autonomous spaces x info shop conference in Sapangpalay, Bulacan.

Marindukanon  Studies Center x Info Shop Marinduque is a collapsible and transient archival and curatorial project. MSC x ISM makes use of transversal lines in between private and public institutions to produce “an/other” Philippine Studies.

Keywords: Philippine Studies, peripheral research/ studies, Greenhouse Infoshop Project, Maharlika Integral Emergence, Organic Minds, p2p offline engagement, info tour internship


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